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Angel Number 3 - The Sun

SKU: 364115376135191
  • Each roller perfume is 10ml


    Represents joy, vitality and optimism. It is about who you are; how you cultivate your personality and character, and discovering your spirituality and true purpose in life.


    A positive card in tarot signifying that you’re moving in the right direction and that all is going well for you. Be grateful for all the good—people and situations—that are surrounding you right now and always.


    Discard any cultural and societal conditioning that prevents you from being authentic. Stay true in your heart to who you are as a spiritual being in the world. No longer give away power to the people that criticise and shame you. Focus on the positive, and be confident in the sacred power of your true primordial nature.


    Step into the full light and power of your truth! Let your light shine! Inspire and be a beacon of light to others with this sunny and happy blend.

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